One of our goals as a company is make you feel at home, and because we know being away can make you feel homesick we bring you 20 ways to bring the holidays spirit when you’re away from home.

1. Accept your feelings and focus on the good

We are not always masters of the thoughts that go through our heads. But we do own how we manage them.
Take control of your feelings and focus on the positive. Don’t let yourself be overcome by nostalgia and enjoy the present of discovering a new city.

2. Share your feelings

When we verbalize what worries or obsesses us, we feel relief. Sharing our sorrows with our loved ones or even with strangers helps us to see them in a better perspective and feel calmer.

3. Make video calls

You don’t have to feel bad about turning to technology to talk to your loved ones. This is something the pandemic taught us. The Internet brings people closer together and gets us through tough times. While it is true that there is nothing like a kiss or a hug in person, making a video call will allow you to be closer to your loved ones, especially on days when you feel homesick.

4. Exercise

Remember: mind and body go together. What happens to one has consequences on the other. Doing 30 minutes of exercise three days a week is enough to change your state of mind and energy.

5. Take time to meditate

Meditation is an excellent tool to calm your negative thoughts and connect with your being. You will find that with just 15 minutes of meditation a day you will feel much more gratitude and prosperity in your life.

6. Make yourself a gift

Whether it’s buying something you’ve wanted for a long time, going out to a restaurant or doing an activity that generates experiences. You can give yourself a gift that makes you feel happy and deserving.

7. Write

Writing every night before going to sleep is a healthy practice, allowing you to get all feelings of sadness off your chest. It is also the perfect way to record the day’s experiences and take note of lessons learned.

8. Cook something traditional and feel at home

What is the typical food of your country? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to cook. It’s always a good time to learn. Just find a recipe or ask your family how to do it and voilà! The taste of home traveled to your table. You can also invite some friends to share it.

9. Meet new people

Don’t be shy. Take up the offer to go out to lunch or after-office with your office colleagues or fellow students. Traveling alone can make you a bit of a hermit and therefore a bit homesick. Remember that there are also online services such as MeetUp or Coachsurfing, with sections where there are always fun people who may also be feeling the same as you.

10. Make a “local” plan

Put together a program that is unique to the city that is hosting you. It will remind you that the best philosophy is always to live in the present moment and enjoy the exact place you are in, as well as soak up more of a new culture and meet new people.

11. Bake cookies

Baking Christmas cookies is always a good idea, especially for the pleasure that the sweetness causes in your body and the fact of doing a different activity.

12. Buy scented candles

Good smells make our brain feel more relaxed and cheerful. Decorate your home with your favorite candles and feel how this simple act makes you find peace.

13. Purchase a small Christmas tree or lights

Decorating your home for holidays is a lot of fun. Besides, it will make you feel the holidays atmosphere and you will feel even more cozy with the Christmas lights.

14. Listen to Christmas music

If you are a Christmas lover, you surely know that feeling of happiness when the first Christmas songs are played at the mall. This cheers us up without a doubt. Try the same at home, listen to holiday music from your local country or your current country and you will see how it lifts your spirits.

15. Eat Christmas food

Take the opportunity to try the local food of your country of stay or cook typical Christmas recipes from your country of origin. Both will be appreciated by your taste buds.

16. Participate in holiday activities

Whether it’s spending time with children without families, making donations, cooking for the needy, packing gifts or any other activity that fills you with happiness and gratitude.

17. Remember why you are there

Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to take advantage of great opportunities. Remember how fortunate you are to be living a new experience in a new country and hold on to the positives.

18. Spend the holidays with someone else’s family

If you prefer not to spend Holidays alone, there is always the alternative of spending it with a family. This will allow you to meet new people and feel the warmth of home.

19. Feeling lonely is fine

Actually you are never alone because you will always have you, and this is the best opportunity to know yourself, grow as a person, define your objectives and goals and learn to embrace loneliness.

20. Stay positive

The holidays are a great opportunity to be thankful for everything we have and to fill ourselves with energy to start the new year with the best attitude. Fill yourself with the Hoiday spirit by being positive and keeping in mind that being happy is a decision.

Holidays is a wonderful time which you can make the most of even if you are alone. And for us it is important that you make the most of your stay away from home by giving you tips, suggesting activities and welcoming you in our apartments with love. We hope this list will inspire you to spend holidays with the best attitude and add to your list  great experiences.

Happy holidays from Corporate Stays team, may abundance, joy and prosperity always be part of your life.


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Enjoy the holidays in apartments with amazing views, privileged locations, access to different points of interest and assured comfort.



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