The workforce around the world is changing. Old generations are going out and new generations are emerging to enter and transform how process, tasks, responsibilities and the way your company makes things. Generation Z is the new one in the place, it’s entering the workplace.

What does that mean? People born from 1995 onwards are bringing a new series of behaviors, expectations, and preferences into companies. In fact, there’s a huge difference even with the prior generation (Millennials).

Generation Z is realistic, independent, digital natives and global citizens; they prefer face-to-face communication, keeping things private, on-demand learning, and trying new roles and projects over a position.

Even the new generation is the first one that has never been offline, they prefer human element and connection at work, over virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

Because of this gap between generations, your company needs to understand this new wave of workers. Their preferences, values and behaviors will allow you to anticipate possible changes for your future business and workforce.


They think to start a business


Gen Z is focused on working for themselves and has a very entrepreneurial spirit.
Gen Z is focused on working for themselves and has a very entrepreneurial spirit.


According to the Online School Center, Gen Z is focused on working for themselves and has a very entrepreneurial spirit. Starting a business is one of the main goals of Gen Z people. This poses a challenge for companies who want to attract the most talented Gen Zers.

While many of them have a self-employed spirit, your company will need to show more flexibility overwork to allow them to explore career paths without committing them full time. You should create a more stimulating work environment that embraces varying perspectives to have better work outcomes.


Which values Gen Z gives priority?


Gen Z look for jobs where they have supportive leadership. They are willing to become apprentices of the older generation because they want to learn from practice and be able to explore these opportunities as educational alternatives.


Gen z want to learn from practice and be able to explore opportunities as educational alternatives.
Gen z want to learn from practice and be able to explore opportunities as educational alternatives.


They will pursue on-demand solutions for training, such as trying out various roles inside the organization. They want leaders and companies that enable them to dig into situations in which they could have multiple roles within one place of employment.

You should use your older generations employees as leaders for Gen Zers, but they need to be supportive. That means leaders should give youngsters the tools they need to work for themselves.


They are independent but need a collaborative environment


Like we mentioned before, Gen Z is the first 100% digital generation and they like to be independent, at the workplace they want to interact and collaborate with other team members. They prefer to communicate face-to-face with their colleagues, and their ideal work environment should be collaborating with a small group in the office setting.

To attract Gen Z talents to your company, has to offer them a balance between online and offline workplace communications.


To attract Gen Z talents you need to create a balance between online and offline workplace communications.
To attract Gen Z talents you need to create a balance between online and offline workplace communications.


They are global citizens


With digital communication technologies, Millennials were the first global generation, but Gen Z took globalization to another level. Increasingly the world comes online and borders continue to shrink, so Gen Zers can interact with their global peers with greater fluidity than any other generation, making them global citizens.

As global citizens, you should provide them with a multicultural environment, and your business should take advantage of this fluidity.

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