We are beyond excited to announce that President Barack Obama, who will be visiting Panama this month, will be staying in one of our luxury furnished apartments for the duration of his stay in the country.

President Obama will be visiting Panama City April 10-12 for the Summit of the Americas, a gathering of Heads of State and Government to discuss common policy issues as well as challenges and opportunities in the Americas.

His team was obviously charged with finding accommodation that was safe, extremely private, modern, and centrally located, close to the ATALPA Convention centre where the event will take place. The corporatestays.com apartment they chose has all this and more, with twice as much space as a hotel room, access to a gym and pool, and office space in which to convene meetings with his core staff, who will stay in adjoining suites.
Vladimir De Suarez, founder and CEO of corporatestays.com says, “we are honoured that the President and his team have chosen to stay in one of our luxury apartments. We are confident that he will find this accommodation on par with the best that Latin America has to offer, and we look forward to serving the team with the same high level of service that all our guests enjoy”

And while we are delighted with this news, we can’t say we’re surprised – after all, our rentals are the absolute best in the city, and he wouldn’t be the first ‘celebrity’ we’ve had under our roof!
Note: while we wouldn’t be surprised to have the president book with us, this is – for now – an April Fool’s announcement. Happy April 1st!!

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